Friday, November 5, 2010

Dating and the Pistol Offense

When you’re single with a child (or three as the case may be), dating takes a back seat to parenthood, or at least it should.  Other single parents get that.  Those without children say they understand, and I hope they do, because I don’t know how many dates I’ve broken because something came up with my kids.  (I’m not looking for a show of hands, by the way.) 
I feel bad when I break a date or don’t call or text or e-mail or snail mail or telegram or smoke signal or whatever, but when your child needs you, you have this irrepressible urge to rush to him.  Unless you have a daughter, which, in that case, you’d have an irrepressible urge to rush to her.  (Why do I get so caught up in which pronoun gender to use?  I don’t know.  I really hate using “they” as a gender neutral pronoun when I’m only referring to a single person and using “him” to refer to either a male or a female just does not seem appropriate anymore.  It’s a quandary, a Gordian Knot for which I have no sword.  But I digress.) 
Logistics aside, who to date is a tad bit more complicated when you have kids.  You don't want to bring just anyone around your children.  Before I had kids, who I dated was simply a matter of:

1.      Is she hot?
2.      Can I tolerate her annoying habits?
3.      Is she interested in me?

If the answers to all three were in the affirmative, I was in a relationship, my friends.  But now that I have three sons, the questions are:
1.      Is she hot?
2.      Can I tolerate her annoying habits?
3.      Is she interested in me?
4.      Would my children like her if I gave her the opportunity to meet them? (she will obviously like them, unless she’s a complete idiot), and
5.      Can she intelligently discuss the merits and general history of the pistol formation?
Why must she understand the pistol offense?  Did I not mention that I have three sons?

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  1. I was dating a guy who never had kids. I told him from the beginning that my kids are my priority, and he said he understood. Unfortunately he didn't understand....after canceling twice in a row because one or both of the kids were sick he was upset about it. SI I told him to go find someone without kids to date. It's ok though, I like spending Friday and Saturday nights at home with my kids!!

  2. If I had a dollar for every text or phone call I didn't immediately respond to, ha, I'd be rich. I think what a lot of "Non-Parents" don't see is that while they are looking for a special kind of love we (as Parents) have already found it. Granted I am very scared about dating and have not since I left my daughters father a year ago, these little "heeello, u there?" text come from friends and family who don't have kids, its still a pain when they do not realize that, well kissing a boo boo is a little more important then answering a "Hey, what's up?" text. So I may not be able to relate to the dating part but I surely know exactly how you feel when someone just, doesn't get it!

  3. I totally agree that dating and being a single parent don't always work well together. I have had to cancel many dates due to something coming up with my girls. I wish I had a good working relationship with my ex as you do, it would make it so much easier! Kudos to you and your ex!
