Saturday, January 7, 2012

Love in a Supermarket

I was grocery shopping the other night when I saw a really attractive mother and her young daughter in the juice aisle. The daughter, who looked to be about three years old, said, "Mommy, my tummy says it really wants some juice."

I smiled as I walked past and said something like "So cute."

The (oh so fine) mom said to her daughter, "Well, then, I think we need to get you some juice."

"That's a terrific idea, mommy," the girl said. The fact that a little three-year-old actually said "terrific" made me smile again. I wondered if she was from yesteryear. Or maybe she was from Britain. I quickly ruled out the latter possibility because she didn't have a British accent.

I paused further down the aisle, and soon the (oh so fine) mom and her little girl caught up to me. I looked up as they walked past and smiled slightly at them. The (oh so fine) mom gave me a little wink. I think she winked, anyway. Maybe it was just an eye twitch. I don't know. I wished I could rewind the scene and replay it so I could be sure. (Mental note: I wonder if I can get eyeglasses with a tiny video camera in the bridge so that I can record everything and then instantaneously play back a scene in my eyeglass lenses? I'll Google it later.)

Up ahead, the (oh so fine) mom and her little girl caught up with the little girl's grandmother. How did I know the old woman was the grandmother you ask? Do I really need to fill in all the details? I do? Fine, I knew she was the grandmother because the girl said, "Grandma, we're getting juice!"

The girl and her (oh so fine) mom continued ahead of the grandmother, probably because grandmothers don't get around as fast as they used to because they're so old and broken down. Or maybe this grandma was just lazy and preferred to walk slow. I didn't have time to figure out why she lagged behind. Maybe it was due to both old age and laziness. All I knew was that it suited my purpose.

I casually caught up to grandma and said, "Your granddaughter is SO cute. Reminds me of my youngest."

Grandma smiled and thanked me and asked where my kids were. I quickly explained it was their mother's night to have the kids. We continued talking and the next thing I know, she told me that she just HAD to introduce me to her daughter. "You'll just love her to death," she said. "And I'm sure she'd approve of you, too." I can honestly say that I was quite pleased with how things were going.

Eventually, the (oh so fine) mom and her little girl headed back towards us. Grandma made introductions. The (oh so fine) mom extended her hand, smiled broadly, and said, "Nice to meet you." She gave her elderly mother a quick thumbs up and said "I'll leave you two alone." She then turned and walked away.

I was puzzled about what had just happened until Grandma asked me out on a date.